Ruling Coalition Party ALDE in Talks for Alliance with Pro Romania

The chairman of Romanian ruling coalition party ALDE, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, announced on Wednesday that the group is currently holding talks with Pro Romania concerning a possible political alliance.


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Ruling Coalition Party ALDE in Talks for Alliance with Pro Romania

In a Facebook post, Tariceanu said that the eventual alliance would become the country’s third parliamentary political force”, after the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) and the opposition Liberal Party.

“Fruitful talks this morning with Pro Romania leader, Victor Ponta: we discussed about a future collaboration as a political alliance! ALDE and Pro Romania will have common parliamentary groups, and therefore will become the third parliamentary political force, after PSD and PNL”, the ALDE leader said.

Notably, Tariceanu edited his initial statement, in which he said that the alliance was “decided”, and instead replaced the term with “discussed”.

The Senate chairman added that the two parties would meet “in the following period” to decided that alliance’s political project and collaboration protocol.

ALDE has been a part of the ruling coalition with the social-democrats since 2016, while Pro Romania formed one year later and is mostly composed of former members of the two coalition parties who were dissatisfied with their direction.


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