Elatec launches its own corporate blog

User authentication and identification: building knowledge, identifying opportunities

As one of the world's leading providers of user authentication and identification solutions, ELATEC has a wealth of expert knowledge. Now, the company has launched its own blog, "Authentication Insights", to share helpful know-how and exciting industry insights with all interested parties. The blog posts appear regularly in German and English.

Whether in the smart office, on the university campus or for charging electric vehicles, there are virtually no limits to the use of authentication solutions with RFID (radio frequency identification) and smartphone-based technologies. This blog shows the complex challenges that companies and institutions can solve with modern access systems and the opportunities that their use opens up. The broad spectrum ranges from applications for secure printing and single sign-on for corporate networks to payment processes in the cafeteria. The name of the blog says it all: "Authentication Insights" offers decision-makers and project managers from all sectors concrete tips and practical decision-making aids for the implementation of their projects and the development of new business models. For example, the advantages and disadvantages of classic RFID cards and modern smartphone applications are compared and weighed.


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