CGS Romania To Hire 1,000 People

CGS Romania, software, IT and outsourcing supplier, intends to hire 1,000 people in the two new IT centers opened by the company in Bucharest and Brasov. The two centers began activity this month.


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CGS Romania To Hire 1,000 People

The company, part of the American group Computer Generated Solutions (CGS), performed large investments in the opening of the new units in Bucharest and Brasov and in the development of outsourcing operations in Romania, while the total number of new employees will reach 2,000 people by the end of the year, according to a press release issued by CGS.

CGS Romania intends to continue its aggressive expansion of operations through the opening of new units in Bucharest in the last quarter of the year.

CGS specializes in technological solutions for business, e-commerce, consultancy, messaging services, software application development and training. The company is based in New York and controls a network of  18 offices in North America, Europe and Asia.

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