Court Suspends Penalties Against Romanian Waste Collector Protan

A Bucharest court on Wednesday decided to suspend the penalties against non-hazardous waste collector Protan SA (PRON.RO) levied by environment authorities, pending a final and binding ruling in the case.


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Romanian environment inspectors decided early November to suspend Protan’s activity for six months for failing to comply with environment requirements.
Protan was given until May next year to build proper used water purifying facilities, or it would lose its operating license.
On November 17, Protan announced it will halt operations in all eight branches nationwide, to protest against non-payment of over 15 million lei (EUR1-RON3.8131) owed subsidies.
A day later, however, the company said operations will not be ceased for another week, following negotiations with the Ministry of Agriculture.
Protan said in a press release the ministry paid RON1.8 million out of the total RON15 million, with additional RON1.7 million to be paid by the end of the week.
Protan is sole leaseholder of animal control services in Romania. The company collects and neutralizes animal waste material for 8,760 economic operators and 2,505 local councils and mayoralties.

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