Fire In Danube Delta Destroys 300 Hectares Of Vegetation

Around 300 hectares of vegetation in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation, southeastern Romania, have burned down in a fire that began Saturday afternoon.


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Fire In Danube Delta Destroys 300 Hectares Of Vegetation

The firefighters' intervention has been hindered by the strong wind, which has changed direction several times, and by the marshy terrain. Still, the fire has been contained and might be put out soon, unless the wind changes direction again.

The cause of the fire and value of damage will be determined once the fire is out.

Reservation governor Grigore Baboianu said insects, frogs and reptiles were most affected by the fire, because they could not flee the flames as quick as birds, which are preparing to migrate. The real extent of ecological damage in the area will be learned next week, he added.

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