Over 100 People Queued At Special Polling Station In Bucharest Railway Station Before GMT0500

Over 100 people had queued outside the special polling station in Bucharest’s biggest railway station Gara de Nord by GMT0500, when polls opened.


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Over 100 People Queued At Special Polling Station In Bucharest Railway Station Before GMT0500

In the first round of presidential elections, on November 22, people outside their area of residence had to wait for hours at the station before they got to vote. This was the case with most special polling stations across the country.

The voting process takes longer at special polling stations because people have to fill in and sign forms ascertaining they won't cast multiple votes.

Bucharest has 34 special polling stations and 3,500 such stations have been set up all over the country in train stations, airports and student campuses.

About 18 million Romanian eligible voters are expected to cast ballots Sunday to elect their president for the next five years and will choose between incumbent President Traian Basescu and social democrat Mircea Geoana.

Polls close at GMT1900.

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