Partial Results: Democrat Liberals -34.67 %, Social Democrats-33.36%, Liberals-18.18% For Senate

Romania’s Democratic Liberal Party obtained 34.67% of voters’ preferences for Senate, followed by the alliance of social democrats and conservatives with 33.36% and liberals with 18.18%, following the counting of votes in 71.06% of polling stations countrywide by GMT 0600, the Central Election Office said.


Imaginea articolului Partial Results: Democrat Liberals -34.67 %, Social Democrats-33.36%, Liberals-18.18% For Senate

Partial Results: Democrat Liberals -34.67 %, Social Democarts-33.36%, Liberals-18.18% For Senate


Election Office spokesman Marian Muhulet said votes in 71.06% polling stations countrywide have been centralized by Monday at GMT 0600.
The three leading parties were followed by the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania with 6.44% of the vote.
Muhulet added all other political parties did not make the 5% electoral threshold and secured no seat in Parliament.
Central Election Office will issue another report at GMT 1200.


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