Romania’s PM Position To Be Claimed Based On Number Of MP Seats - Social Democrat Head

If liberals and social democrats will cooperate in Romania’s next Government, the party which gained the highest number of lawmaker seats has the right to claim the Prime Minister position, social democrat leader Mircea Geoana said following Sunday’s negotiations with the liberals.


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Romania’s PM Position To Be Claimed Based On Number Of MP Seats - Social Democrat Head

The Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party discussed the institutional and constitutional steps that need to be taken if the two parties will cooperate in the next government.

Talks pointed the two parties have common stands with regard to the anti-crisis plan.

The social democrats insisted upon things they consider “mandatory” for the next ruling, such as hiking low wages and pensions, and enforcing fiscal measures to support these hikes, Geoana said.

Talks between the liberals and the social democrats will continue, he said, adding another round of negotiations is bound to take place “in the coming hours”.

Following the parliamentary elections held on November 30, the Democratic-Liberal Party gained 166 lawmaker seats, followed at a close distance by the Social Democratic Party with 163 seats. The liberals secured 93 seats, while the Hungarian minority party obtained 31 lawmaker seats.

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