Romania To Return VAT Worth A Total RON1.61B In October

Romanian tax authority ANAF on Monday said it will return value added taxes worth a total 1.61 billion lei (EUR373.9 million) in October, including RON363 million in compensations.


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Romania To Return VAT Worth A Total RON1.61B In October

The selection for October includes all claims filed before September 2, 2011.

ANAF will return RON1.25 billion and partially compensate RON100 million. A total RON258.8 million will be entirely compensated.

A total RON142.5 million will be returned in the near future.

The first payment has already been performed on October 7, worth a total RON244.5 million. The next payments will be performed on October 24 (RON378.6 million) and October 28 (RON627.3 million). (EUR1=RON4.3053)

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