Romanian Court-Won Wage Rights To Be Paid In Tranches Until End-2016 - Draft

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies committee for the budget decided Wednesday to extend the payment period for wage rights won in court by public sector employees until December 31, 2016, from December 31, 2012, and also to change the value of their yearly tranches.


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Romanian Court-Won Wage Rights To Be Paid In Tranches Until End-2016 - Draft

Government Emergency Ordinance 71/2009 said that salary rights won in court by the end of 2009 would be paid in three tranches: 34% in 2010, 33% in 2011 and 33% in 2012.

The preliminary report on the ordinance, adopted unanimously by the committee for the budget and finance, says these rights would be paid over a longer period, as follows: 5% in 2012, 10% in 2013, 25% in 2014, 25% in 2015 and 35% in 2016.

The committee's chairwoman, UNPR deputy Maria Eugenia Barna, said the change was necessary to allow the Government to meet the budget deficit targets for this year and the following years.

The Chamber of Deputies is to vote on the change in a plenary session.

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