Romanian Democrat Liberals Sign Agreement With Employers In Energy, Industry

Romanian democrat liberal leaders Monday signed a cooperation agreement with the Employers’ Alliance in the industry and energy sectors, stipulating mutual support on projects and advice for the party in some fields, said Vasile Turcu, head of the Employers’ Alliance in Industry, or CONPIROM.


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Romanian Democrat Liberals Sign Agreement With Employers In Energy, Industry

Turcu added this is not a political alliance.

Leaders of the Democratic Liberal Party Emil Boc, Theodor Stolojanand Adriean Videanu signed the cooperation agreement with the representatives of the Employers’ Alliance in Industry and Energy, Vasile Turcu and Ioan Conecini.

Boc said the agreement includes 12 items and stipulates that the Alliance will support the democrat liberals’ initiatives regarding economic reforms and legislative drafts on industry and energy.

The agreement contains a clause regarding tax reduction and fiscal simplification, as well as mutual support of policies as stipulated by the status of both parties.

The agreement ensures equality of treatment of the Romanian and the foreign firms in the auctions for major projects destined for the modernization of Romania, Boc added.

Turcu said the forum he is leading has made “the first step” by signing the agreement with the Democrat Liberal Party.

“I hope we will have next week signed agreements with other, stronger political parties. We must admit that we will succeed only together, through dialogue,” Turcu.

He pointed out the Employers’ Alliance In industry and Energy is non-political and did not join any political alliance when signing the agreement with the democrat liberals.

“We are a non-political organization, I don’t want people to think we are the political allies of the Democrat Liberal Party or the Social Democratic Party. We are only having a friendly social dialogue of cooperation,” Turcu said.

Turcu added the advisers of the Employers’ Alliance in the industry sector will offer free counseling in the energy sector to the party.

“Romania is still under the impact of the international crisis, therefore we must be united to face it,” Democratic Liberal Party vice-president Theodor Stolojan said.

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