Romanian Exodus At Italian-Austrian Border

Thousands of Romanians crossed the border between Italy and Austria this week in what appears to be turning into a genuine exodus following the recent implementation of harsh control actions against crime in Italy, Tgcom reported Friday.


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Romanian Exodus At Italian-Austrian Border

Since the border between Italy and Austria is no longer marked, as both countries are part of the Schengen area, Italian police focus their controls on cars registered in Romania and, sometimes, on Ukrainian cars, the mentioned site reported.

Early this week, the Italian authorities checked no less than 2,500 drivers, mainly Romanians, in only four hours. “At least as many of that drove by unchecked during those four hours,” chief of carabinieri Fabio Pasquariello said, quoted by Tgcom.

Most of the Romanian cars were overloaded and their “cargo often looked liked loot,” the site commented.

It said police found in a couple of hours a series of items whose origins could not be justified, including two stolen scooters, a kilogram of golden jewels, 30 kilograms of silver, 13 watches etc.

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