Romanian Govt Prepares Poultry, Pig Welfare Legislation

Romanian farmers will receive financial aid in the amount of EUR200 million in 2011-2012, for the diesel fuel used in their activity, among other things, and the authorities are also preparing an act on "the welfare of poultry and pigs," according to Prime Minister Boc and the Minister of Agricultur


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Romanian Govt Prepares Poultry, Pig Welfare Legislation

The financial aid will be provided on the basis of a decision approved in the Government's Wednesday meeting.

The prime minister said that a first tranche of area subsidies, EUR42/hectare, will be provided starting on October 16; the rest will be paid by the end of the year.

Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara said the authorities will discuss a bill package with the European Union, for the "welfare of poultry," worth 195 million lei (EUR45 million), and the "welfare and protection of pigs," for RON155 million.


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