Romanian Interior Min Employees To Be Sacked This Year Won’t Receive Severance Pay

Romanian Interior Ministry employees included in the institution’s layoff plan will not receive severance pay as the country’s economic situation does not allow for such a measure, Interior Minister Traian Igas said Wednesday.


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Romanian Interior Min Employees To Be Sacked This Year Won’t Receive Severance Pay

Igas said ministry employees to be laid off this year will receive the same social aid as any other employee made redundant and will benefit from professional reconversion programs.

Igas and other ministry officials have been heard in the lower house's defense committee Wednesday regarding the institution' decision to cut employees' food benefits in June, the plan to restructure the ministry and the country's entry to the Schengen Area.

The minister said 10,000 ministry employees will be laid off in the next two months, including employees of the institution's central apparatus.

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