Romanian Law Dissolving Anti-Fraud Department Ruled Unconstitutional

The Romanian Constitutional Court ruled Thursday that the Law approving Government Emergency Ordinance no. 3/2009, which dissolved the Anti-Fraud Department, is unconstitutional.


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Romanian Law Dissolving Anti-Fraud Department Ruled Unconstitutional

Through Government Emergency Ordinance 3/2009, the Anti-Fraud Department (DLAF) was transferred to the Government’s work apparatus, under the direct management of the Prime Minister and coordinated by the deputy Prime Minister. The Department was dissolved and a Control Body was set up, on the basis of a loyalty commitment.

The ordinance was issued on February 11 and published in the Official Journal. Two weeks later, Liberal deputy Alina Gorghiu said in a press conference that she had notified the Romanian Obudsman and would challenge the ordinance before the Constitutional Court.

The Constitutional Court’s decision is final and will be communicated to the President of Romania, the speakers of the two Chambers of Parliament and the Prime Minister.

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