Romanian Liberals, Social Democrats Might Make Agendas Compatible For Next Govt

Romania’s National Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party might make their governing agendas compatible, but the flat tax is not open for debate, liberal head Calin Tariceanu said Sunday, following negotiations with the social democrats after the results of the November 30 elections.


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Romanian Liberals, Social Democrats Might Make Agendas Compatible For Next Govt

"We talked about our governing agendas, and what we can say in this preliminary stage is that making them compatible is a possibility, provided that the flat tax is not subject to debate,” Tariceanu said.

The liberals also talked with the social democrats about changing the electoral law, he said, adding the liberals want the proportional voting procedure to be further maintained.

"We regard other elements important as well: the current electoral system has proved deficiencies the press much commented upon. We agree to amend the electoral law, to correct these errors, but still keep a fundamental element, namely the proportional representation of citizens’ votes in the future Parliament, so as to render the Parliament a trustworthy institution, fully representing all political options in Romania, by means of the proportional voting” Tariceanu said.

The liberals presented their viewpoint and listened to the social democrats’ stand.

“(…) We regard the flat tax a subject not open for negotiations in view of our economic program. Our discussions were based on our program to fight the effects of the global economic crisis, the plan aimed at economic growth and creating jobs, which has been enforced,” Tariceanu said.

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