Romanian MEP Rares Niculescu, Assaulted In A Club

Democrat liberal MEP Rares Niculescu, nominated for spokesperson of Romania’s Government, said he was assaulted by several people when he entered a club in Cluj Napoca, northwestern Romania, but gendarmes applied him a fine for having caused the scandal.


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Romanian MEP Rares Niculescu, Assaulted In A Club

Niculescu said he was together with two businesspeople, one of whom had an invitation to attend an event in a club Friday evening.

“As we entered the club, security guard began to hit us. I was hit over the mouth; we were then spat and insulted. The two friends came to help me, and one of them had his knee dislocated and his head cracked. We wanted to leave, but they kept us locked nearly 20 minutes and they continued to bully us, to hit us, to insult us and to spit on us,” Niculescu said.

He then later found out the people who assaulted them were bodyguards of the company “Scutul Negru”, who called the gendarmerie.

“I asked to be heard by the gendarmes, but I noticed they were friends with the security company and they refused to take any statement from me. I asked for the Police to come, a police squad came who said it was the jurisdiction of the Gendarmerie,” Niculescu said.

After the incident, he filed a request at the Police to have the aggressors identified, and said he has the right to file a penal complaint.

Colonel Florin Budisan, head of the gendarmerie in Cluj Napoca, said the gendarmes intervened correctly in the incident.

“The gendarmes behaved correctly and applied fines of 200 lei (EUR1=RON4.2522) to Rares Niculescu and to other two persons accompanying him, for causing scandal,” Budisan said.

“The gendarmes identified the persons they were supposed to, and their action was legal. Nobody has to come and tell us how we should intervene and do our job,” Budisan said.

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