Romanian Prosecutors Probe Football Club Owners, Managers

Romania’s Anticorruption Department started criminal investigation against several football club owners and managers over footballer transfers, the Public Ministry said in a statement Thursday.


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Romanian Prosecutors Probe Football Club Owners, Managers

Prosecutors started on, January 10, criminal investigation under the charges of fraud, tax evasion and money laundering against footballer managers Ioan Becali and Victor Becali, Gheorghe Copos- president and owner of F Rapid Bucuresti, lawyer Sica Puscoci, Mihai Stoica – former manager of FC Otelul Galati, the executive president of FC Dinamo Cristian Borcea, president of FC Gloria Bistrita- Jean Padureanu, manager Gheorghe Popescu and Gheroghe Netoiu, shareholder within FC Dinamo.

Between January 14 and 17, 2008 the accused were informed of the charges brought against them, according to article 6, section 3 from the Criminal Procedure Code, concluded the mentioned source.

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