Romanian Ruling Coalition Protocol Could Break After EP Elections- Senator

Romanian social democrat senator Alexandru Mazare said Tuesday that several party branches in the country wish to break the protocol signed with ruling coalition partners democrat liberals and a decision in this respect will be made after EP elections.


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Romanian Ruling Coalition Protocol Could Break After EP Elections- Senator

The senator said Tuesday in a press conference in Constanta, southeastern Romania, that all local party branches had a video conference Monday with the Social Democratic Party’s central leaders and local politicians voiced their discontent regarding the collaboration protocol with the Democratic Liberal Party.

"We’ve noted the situation in Constanta is not the only one and several county branches are on the verge of breaking this protocol. (…) Among others, counties Gorj, Bistrita, Vaslui, Mehedinti and Dambovita are discontent with the collaboration. Come to think about it, there are more counties where the protocol doesn’t work than counties where it works. And I want to state another important matter: most of the times, the reasons why these local protocols don’t work have nothing to do with local party branches. We don’t have any major reproaches toward democrat liberals locally, but democrat liberal ministers fail to observe local protocols. Where democrat liberal ministers must appoint people in local positions under the protocol, they fail to do so,” Mazare said.

The social democrat senator added the party’s central leaders will meet with local leaders after the elections for the European Parliament, scheduled for June 7, and will decide whether or not social democrats will; continue their collaboration with democrat liberals.

"You can expect anything after EP elections. For now, our goal is to win this election,” Mazare said, adding that is social democrats break the collaboration protocol, the party will leave the government and switch to opposition.

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