Romanian Social Democrat Head Set To “Rebuild” Ruling Coalition If Elected President

Romanian social democrat head Mircea Geoana said Tuesday evening at Realitatea TV that if he wins the presidential elections due this autumn, it will be necessary to “rebuild” the current ruling coalition and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) will have to take the helm of the future government.


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Romanian Social Democrat Set To “Rebuild” Ruling Coalition If Elected President


Geoana stressed the social democrats will also have to designate the country’s future Prime Minister, adding the party’s congress will propose the nominee for this position.  
Geoana said he already considered several social democrats as potential nominees for prime minister, but declined to mention their names, stressing he will offer more information in this respect "at the right time."
He also said he would discard his mandate of party president in case of failure at the presidential elections, adding he does not know yet whether he will be willing to run again for a new mandate in this situation. 
Moreover, Geoana pointed out that if he won the presidential elections, the party would organize a congress to designate a new leader, adding there will certainly be several contenders.


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