Romanian Soprano Roxana Briban Dead In Suicide

Romanian soprano Roxana Briban committed suicide Saturday afternoon at her home in Bucharest, her husband Alexandru Briban told MEDIAFAX, adding that she had had a breakdown after being fired from the Bucharest National Opera in 2009.

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Romanian Soprano Roxana Briban Dead In Suicide

Alexandru Briban said he found his wife in the bath with her wrists slit and plastic bags tied around her throat. She was 39. Her husband said the soprano had attempted suicide in the past and had been following treatment.

According to her personal website, Roxana Briban had been involved in music since the age of six. She was a graduate of the Bucharest National University of Music and had received awards from the Romanian Musical Forum and the Romanian Broadcasting Society (SRR).

After graduation, Roxana Briban became a member of the Bucharest National Opera. In 2003, she began her collaboration with the Vienna State Opera, which lasted until the 2009-2010 season. She had also sung on the stages of the Vienna People's Opera, Berlin German Opera, the Theatre du Capitole in Toulouse, Teatro Municipal de Santiago de Chile and Het Muziektheater Amsterdam.


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