Romanian Unions Trigger Labor Conflict

Five Romanian labor unions triggered Friday the labor conflict as employers failed to set the minimum wage for 2008, after unionists previously rejected the RON480 offer.


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Romanian Unions Trigger Labor Conflict

The five unions, namely the National Trade Union Confederation “Cartel ALFA”, the National Trade Union Bloc, the National Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Romania – Brotherhood, the National Democratic Trade Unions Confederation and the National Trade Union Confederation – Meridian- said they will go on strike if employers fail to set a minimum wage for 2008 higher than RON480.
On November 1, the legal 60-day deadline to negotiate the minimum wage for 2008 expired and on November 10 the two months since the two parties started negotiations on the matter.
Ovidiu Jurca, vice-president of the National Trade Union Bloc, Friday said that employers’ associations have two days to respond in a positive or negative manner to the notification sent by unions. Otherwise, unions will ask that the Ministry of Labor decide on the matter. If no solution is found, unionists will go on strike.

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