CNSAS – one step away from being shut down

The Constitutional Court accepted yesterday the exceptions of non-constitutionality raised by the politician Dan Voiculescu to the law regarding the access to the personal file and the exposure of the communist political police, as issued in 1999. The decision of the Court refers to some basic articles of the law which regulate the statute of the National Council for the Study of Securitate archives (CNSAS), the designation of the members of the Council, the way in which the quality of Securitate agent or collaborator is established, and the procedure for contesting a decision. The vote of the Court was unanimous yesterday to declare the non-constitutionality of several articles of the law, and the legal experts already referred to CNSAS using the past tense.

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Basically, in this situation, the decision of the Court is sent to Parliament which must modify the law in order to be constitutional. If Parliament does not reach an agreement for the modification of the law in 45 days, which is actually the most probable scenario, CNSAS disappears..

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