IMF doesn’t impose unpopular measures, they are needed nevertheless

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) enforces constraint policies to discipline the states that cannot do so themselves. The IMF was and is for real, and it continues to support states like Romania or Hungary. The Fund focuses on fighting the crisis, though in the past it wished to save the world.

2 afișări

"Now, we are humble and focus on particular matters. We imposed our conditions and moved forward. We are a new IMF. We are a good doctor for ill states. Not only do we give them medicines, but also teach them how to behave, to avoid getting sick again. We set constraints on each state that comes to us, not because we are < > but because the country resorting to us is in trouble," IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn told students of the Bucharest Economic Academy, during his first one-day visit to Romania.

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