PSD, PD-L have shared the ministries

The Democrat-Liberals obtained the economic portfolios, while the Social-Democrats received all the social ministries. The names of the future ministers are expected to be announced today.

1 afișare
The great share-out has come to the end. The incoming Premier Emil Boc announced yesterday, at the end of the negotiations with PSD+PC Alliance over the distribution of the ministerial portfolios, that it was agreed that the Democrat-Liberals will take the Public Finance Ministry, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of Regional Development and Dwelling, the Ministry of Communications and IT Society, the Ministry of Culture, Religious Denominations and National Patrimony, the Ministry of Youth and Sport, and the Ministry of Tourism. Boc acknowledged that he would have liked MIRA to remain with PD-L, but says that the protocol signed by the two parties was that which finally settled the matter.


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