The avian flu is back in Romania

The National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) confirmed yesterday a hotbed of avian flu in a household from Murighiol, Tulcea County. The Institute of Diagnosis and Animal Health established that its strain is of the type H5N1.

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The authorities are trying to isolate the virus, and afterwards they will send the strain to the Community Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza from Weybridge, Great Britain, in order to be registered in the virus bank of the European Union. ANSVSA has already notified the European Commission over the new outbreak in Romania. “There was a suspicion of avian flu which was confirmed, at Murighiol, and all the necessary measures have been taken. All the poultry from the household were culled, and the surveillance and control measures will be intensified in all the farms from Romania,” declared Nicolae Lazar, director of the animal health division of ANSVSA. According to a press release of ANSVSA, 56 hens and 16 ducks from the respective household have been culled and destroyed, and the first disinfection was made.

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