Atalian Romania attracts the largest car-sharing company in the country in Floreasca Tower building!

Atalian Romania attracts the largest car-sharing company in the country - SPARK Romania in Floreasca Tower building!

Atalian Romania, the cooperation partner of Floreasca Tower srl, member of UNIQA Real Estate, managed to attract the electric car-sharing company SPARK in Floreasca Tower office building. “We are glad to be in the Business area of Bucharest, a step which corresponds to the significant increase of our scope, having in mind that our fleet includes more than 350 vehicles now and still growing. I want to thank UNIQA Real Estate and Atalian Romania for their flexibility and professionalism. Although during this period, many companies choose to work entirely from home, we will work on a flexible schedule, allowing presence in the office to secure normal operations, which is crucial in the long run, keeping all COVID-19 measures off course. We truly believe that services like Spark, which allow safe travel in isolated environment are part of the solution, that is why we have also many clients with corporate accounts, allowing their employees to travel with our service .” says Dimitar Stoyanov, country manager, SPARK Romania.


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