President Basescu: Romania And Moldova - Two States, One People, Common Future

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Wednesday in Iasi, northeastern Romania, at a meeting with Moldova’s acting President Mihai Ghimpu, that Romania and Moldova "are two states and one people and have a common future".


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President Basescu: Romania And Moldova - Two States, One People, Common Future

Basescu said the right to free movement is of utmost importance and stressed Moldovans ought to travel freely both in Romania and in the European Union.

The head of state stressed that Romanian authorities amended the citizenship law, despite some politicians' reluctance, who said the EU will react to this, but, he added, EU officials took no measure whatsoever in this respect.

Earlier Wednesday, the two presidents visited the Putna monastery, a Romanian orthodox monastery, one of the most important cultural, religious and artistic centers established in medieval Moldavia.

Basescu and Ghimpu also laid wreaths at the tombstone of the medieval prince Stephen the Great, visited the museum of the monastery and also signed in Book of Honor of the monastery.

On Tuesday, Ghimpu attended a meeting with Romanian businesspeople at the headquarters of the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Ghimpu also met Tuesday with Bucharest general mayor Sorin Oprescu who handed him over the key to the city. Also, the Bucharest University's Faculty of Law awarded Ghimpu the title of Doctor Honoris Causa.

Ghimpu was on a two-day official visit to Romania Tuesday and Wednesday and was accompanied by several ministers.

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