Baby Found Dead In Hotel Room Ceiling E Romania

Employees of a hotel in eastern Romanian city Pascani discovered, in the false ceiling of a room, the body of a baby, in advanced state of decay. The suspects in this case are a man and a woman who used the room three weeks ago.

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Horrified by the unbearable stench oozing from one of the rooms on the second floor of the hotel, employees started a search through each room and found the body of a baby in advanced state of decay, hidden between the false ceiling and the bathroom of room no. 207.

"The stench was horrible and the plumber dug through all the rooms until he found a bag wrapped in a pair of pants. Inside there was a ball of putrid flesh. Three weeks ago, the room was taken by a couple that left all the towels and sheets bloody. At that time, we did not realize what this might involve," said Silvia Buzdugan, chambermaid within the hotel.

Hotel representatives called the police, which began an investigation to establish if the baby was born alive and who is the one who hid it in that location. Police officers have already begun searching through the hotel registry and they are hoping to find, as soon as possible, the people who left the baby there.

Forensics specialists will perform a necropsy on the baby and they will be able to supply investigators with further details.

"Depending on the result of the necropsy, we will be able to say if this is murder or this was just an abortion," said Mihai Nacuta, chief of the Pascani police.

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