Over 1,200 People To Lose Job Until March In S Romania

Over 1,200 employees in Constanta county, southern Romania, will remain jobless after the first months of 2009.


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Over 1,200 People To Lose Job Until March In S Romania

Over 800 people have already lost their job since the beginning of the year, and other 400 will have no job after February-March, said Emilia Murineanu, head of the Employment Agency Constanta.

In constructions, naval repairs and maintenance, energy production and supply and commerce, 23 companies announced they will fire people by the end of March.

Murineanu said the situation in Constanta is not really bad, as there are 700 vacant jobs at county-level.

The unemployment rate in Constanta county is of 4%, as 11,574 unemployed people are registered in the records of the employment agency. Half of them receive unemployment aid.


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