Romania’s Econ Potential Highest Among SE European States- U.S. Ambassador

Romania is one of the best-kept secrets when it comes to investment opportunities, U.S. Ambassador to Bucharest Nicholas Taubman said in New York on Tuesday, during an event meant to promote Romanian business opportunities.

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The Romanian ambassador to Washington, Adrian Vierita, also attended the event, which is organized by the U.S. Trade Service through the American Chamber in Romania, or AmCham.
Taubman said Romania is the country with the greatest potential among states in southeastern Europe, mentioning several large companies that invested on the market. 
Nokia has recently relocated one of its production units to Romania, Taubman said, mentioning that American giant, Emerson Electric, considers following into Nokia’s footsteps and launching operations in the country.
Ford’s investments in Automobile Craiova, or the highway construction started by another American company, Bechtel, were also mentioned in Taubman’s speech.
(MEDIAFAX FOTO service provides related photos)

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