Romania To Overcome Recession Six Months After Germany And The USA - President

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Friday Romania will overcome the economic crisis six months after Germany and the United States come out recession, forecasting that “nothing will be as before”.


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Romania To Overcome Recession Six Months After Germany And The USA - President

Basescu made this statement during the meeting with the representatives of the local administration in Botosani (NE Romania).

The head of state added Romania’s overcoming the economic crisis depends on the economic revival of the most powerful economies, and Romania will come out of recession six months after Germany and the United States do. 

“Nothing will be as it was before this economic crisis, even if the politicians do not admit it,” Basescu said.

Basescu said the pensions will be paid on time and that he wants the salaries be kept the same, questioning only the payment of bonuses.

Basescu advised the mayors to do everything they can to get European funds, highlighting that EUR32 billion were allocated to Romania until 2013.

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