Romanian Energy Watchdog OKs 5 More Cos As Pwr Traders

Romanian Energy Watchdog ANRE authorized five more companies as electricity traders on the Romanian market, namely Delta Energy, Amgaz Furnizare, JAS Budapest ZRT, Energy Incorporatet, and Slovenia’s Holding Slovenske Elecktrarne.


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Romanian Energy Watchdog OKs 5 More Cos As Pwr Traders

According to ANRE data, 63 energy traders currently operate on the energy market.
Hungary’s energy trader JAS Budapest ZRT and Slovenia’s Holding Slovenske Elecktrarne each opened an office in the capital city, Bucharest.
JAS Budapest ZRT, established in 1992, trades electricity, fuel, lubricants and raw material for chemical industry.
Energy Incorporated is 50% owned by Energy Power Incorporated and 50% by a Romanian individual.
Delta Energy is equally owned by Braro Investment Company and Vienna Group.

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