Romanian Police Union Threatens Protests Over Planned Layoffs

Romanian police unionists will stage protests if the bodies subordinated to the Interior Ministry are restructured, union leader Marin Gruia told MEDIAFAX Monday.


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Romanian Police Union Threatens Protests Over Planned Layoffs

Gruia said layoffs within the structures controlled by the ministry are to be made starting January 1, 2011, and added that the exact number of employees to be laid off was not officially disclosed.

The union leader underscored that police activity will be severely affected by restructuration, as the sector already sees a deficit of 8,000 employees. Gruia went on to say that, considering wages were also reduced, fewer officers would be willing to put their lives on the line. He also said that officers would be forced to work overtime, which is unconstitutional.

Unionists in the sector will hold talks regarding protests until August 25 and a decision will to be made according to their demands, said Gruia, adding that a meeting with Interior Ministry representatives will take place on Wednesday to continue talks on the matter.

Blaga announced recently that the Government decided to reduce by 57% the total number of positions within the Interior Ministry, to 1,249 from 2,919. The minister said he received the National Defense Council's authorization to restructure the ministry, adding the police, the gendarmerie, the border police, the aviation inspectorate and the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations will undergo reorganization.

The ministry reorganization measure aims at reducing public spending, and follows the enactment of an austerity plan which cuts salaries and increases taxes.

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