Social Democrats, Democrat Liberals Have Different Stands On Govt Structure - Party Head

Romanian social democrat leader Mircea Geoana said Sunday, after talks with the Democratic Liberal Party, the two parties have different views on the structure of the next Government, as both parties claim the Prime Minister position.


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Social Democrats, Democrat Liberals Have Different Stands On Govt Structure - Party Head

The two parties share the same view on the need of a government based on parliamentary majority, on infrastructure development, absorption of European funds and continuing decentralization, Geoana said.

Still, both parties maintained their initial stand to claim the Prime Minister position, he added.

Geoana deemed Sunday’s talks with the Democratic Liberal Party encouraging .

Follwing these round of negotiations, the hypothesis to have the investiture of the Government before Christmas becomes “more concrete”, Geoana said.

"Both talks (with the democrat liberals and the liberals -e.n.) brought to light positive as well as negative elements. Things will be clarified by vote within the party,” he said.

When asked if the appointment of the Prime Minister by the head of state will ease negotiations between the political parties, he said this kind of intervention from President Traian Basescu is legitimate, as it is his constitutional right, but added “a solid majority” can be formed “with the Social Democratic Party only”.

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