USR Leader: Ruling Party Down 20% In Polls Compared To 2016 Election Victory

The chairman of Romanian opposition party USR, Dan Barna, said on Thursday that a poll requested by his group has the country’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) down 20% compared its score in the 2016 elections, which he stated shows that it is not capable to govern.

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USR Leader: Ruling Party Down 20% In Polls Compared To 2016 Election Victory

The poll in question, conducted by research company IMAS, states that PSD would only obtain 24.9% of votes in case an election would be held right now, compared to the approximately 45% it received in the 2016 parliamentary vote.

Barna said that the poll continues a trend observed in previous months, and shows that the party is not capable to rule the country.

“This shows that Romania understood that this type of governance, in which the Government and the Parliament functions just as Liviu Dragnea’s law firms instead of governing, and the subjects of Romania’s future are set aside for that of destroying the judiciary,” said Barna.


According to the poll, PSD is closely followed by the opposition Liberal Party, with 23.3%, and USR with 14.8%. PSD ruling coalition partners ALDE are preferred by 11.7% of voters , while the party of former Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos, MRI, stands at 8.2%. Outside of Hungarian Minority party UDMR (5.8%), no other political group passes the 5% threshold which ensures access to the Parliament.

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