Magistrate files can only be made public by CSM

In order for Thursday’s decision to be applied, both the human resources files on judges (currently kept in the Justice Ministry Archive) and those on prosecutors (held by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Supreme Court) will be transferred to CSM. The Council decision - made after heated debates, which did not lack political undertones - thus puts an end to the conflict generated by President Traian Basescu’s requesting the General Prosecutor’s Office to make public the “professional records” (actually, the Human Research file) on Senator Norica Nicolai (PNL), nominated by Premier Calin Popescu Tariceanu for the Justice Minister position.

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Further to the result of the secret voting at the CSM Thursday, in the presence of the interim Justice Minister Teodor Melescanu, the information in question may be made public, regardless of whether the files are kept at the General Prosecutor’s Office or at the Justice Ministry. But any other piece of information included in the respective files can only be disclosed under the terms defined by the Law on personal data protection, with the consent of the individual in question.

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