Scandal goes on, new Agriculture Minister appointed

In the meantime, the scandal of the records in Remes-Muresan file continues. Although the public TV has not aired any longer the second part of the records, those sequences could be seen on Internet. The opposition parties continue to request the resignation of the entire Government. PM Tariceanu was faced with a wave of reshuffling requests coming even from his own party.

1 afișare
Premier Tariceanu transmitted on Friday morning to President Basescu the nomination of the undersecretary of state from the Ministry of Agriculture, Dacian Ciolos, for the office of Minister of Agriculture. A few hours later, President Basescu signed the decree for the appointment of Ciolos as Minister. The vesting and swearing in ceremony takes place today, after Victoria Palace requested to defer it from October 13 to 15. Ciolos accepted already on Thursday evening his appointment as Minister of Agriculture, after another Liberal, Dan Radu Rusanu, had turned down a similar proposal.

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