Traian Basescu crucifies Chiuariu, says he is not behind DNA’s investigations

During a live TV broadcast, Basescu said that the Presidential Commission is not the one to establish the guilty parties, since it only gives a procedural green light in order for Ministers like Chiuariu and Pacuraru to be able to offer explanations to the prosecutors. He added that no incriminatory evidence against the named dignitaries ever reached the Presidency.

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‘The documents that the Presidency received do not show the start of the criminal investigation against Chiuariu and Pacuraru. Investigations were conducted, but they were not placed under criminal investigation and are not accused’ Basescu pointed out. ‘In all the dossiers involving former ministers, the criminal investigation was already ongoing. We received dossiers with the criminal investigation ongoing for Adrian Nastase, Miron Mitrea and Victor Babiuc’ Basescu added.

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