Romania Celebrates Fathers’ Day On Second Sunday Of May

Romania will celebrate Fathers’ Day for the first time this year, as the country decided the second Sunday of May will be the official day honoring fathers.


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Romania Celebrates Fathers’ Day On Second Sunday Of May

According to Law 319/2009 instating Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day, the second Sunday of May becomes Romania's official Fathers' Day and the first Sunday of May celebrates Mothers' Day.

The law initiative belonged to the Alliance Fighting Discrimination Against Fathers - TATA.

Of the 27 EU member states, Romania was the only country that did not celebrate Fathers' Day, TATA said in a press release Tuesday.

TATA said Fathers' Day honors all responsible fathers who are involved in bringing up their children and who love their children, adding the event is a chance to promote good parent examples.

According to the press release, honoring both parents will have some positive effects, adding mothers and fathers are equally important for children and for what family life means.

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