Romanian Public Sector Employees Can’t Expect Wage Hikes With Unemployment On The Rise - President

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday during a meeting with representatives of Romanian Chambers of Commerce that it is unacceptable for public sector employees to demand higher wages when the economic crisis sparks unemployment.

6 afișări

"It is unacceptable that while the crisis sparks increasing unemployment, some people take to the streets and demand wage hikes (...) people working in production are being sent home and public sector employees want higher wages,” Basescu said.

He said there are categories of public sector employees who claim wage hikes citing promises made during the election campaign last year.

The head of state reminded that in his most recent speech in Parliament he said promises to raise wages that were made during the election campaign can and must be postponed.

Regarding public sector employees, Basescu said Romania "doesn’t lack employees, it lacks quality employees".

He added he has nothing against public sector employees, but against politicians who failed to give clear responsibilities to these employees.

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