Romanian Beekeepers To Receive EUR7M In Subsidies Annually

The Romanian Government on Wednesday decided to grant EUR7 million in annual financial aid to beekeepers to increase the number of bee colonies.

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Romanian Beekeepers To Receive EUR7M In Subsidies Annually

Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara said the program will be financed with European funds (50%) and state budget money (50%).

According to the minister, the state budget will make available 14.7 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1816) for the program this year. The amount of EU funds to be granted to beekeepers annually is estimated at over EUR3 million, said Tabara.

The minister said the program aims to offer technical assistance to beekeepers, increase the number of bee colonies and support local production.


According to data released by the Agriculture Ministry, the number of bee colonies in Romania exceeded 1.4 million last year and the production of apicultural products stood at 21,000 tons.

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