Romanian President Attends Coalition Meeting On State Budget, Parental Leave

Romania’s President Traian Basescu went to the Government’s headquarters Monday morning where ruling coalition members met to discuss the 2011 state budget and what to do about propositions to halve parental leave, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.


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Romanian President Attends Coalition Meeting On State Budget, Parental Leave

Another topic for discussion was Parliament support for the main pieces of legislation the Government is promoting, the sources said.

The meeting was attended by coalition leaders, Cabinet ministers and the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies.

Prime Minister Emil Boc called on the Parliament Saturday to set a date for the vote on a no-confidence motion and thus carry on with procedures for the adoption of the education law.

He also said the 2011 state budget law will be sent to Parliament for approval this week and the Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament on December 14 to pass into legislation an IMF-required unitary wage bill for the public sector.

The Government is expected to hold a Cabinet meeting Monday evening to approve the state budget for next year.

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