Chain accidents on A1, A2 highways – one dead, two wounded

42 vehicles were involved in the first accident that took place around 6 A.M. at Kilometre No. 14. An early rainfall caused frost and a truck skidded, blocking the way to Bucharest. Because of the frost, vehicles that followed the truck did not manage to slow down, and collided into each other. Fortunately, no victims resulted from this accident. Another chain accident that affected 21 cars took place on A1 as well, at Kilometre No. 52, on the Bucharest-Pitesti direction. This event was also caused by the impossibility to adapt speed due to poor traffic conditions.

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“A vehicle skidded and the ones that came behind at a high speed could not stop in due time, because of the frost that covered the highway. Thus, the vehicles ran into the each other,” police officers declared. The majority of the drivers involved in these accidents were fined from RON 1,000 to RON 2,000, because they had no car insurance and therefore, police officers seized their driver’s licence as well as the plates with the registration number. In order not to force drivers to go to the Investigation Centres of the Traffic Police, police officers founded several Centres on the Highway.

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