Minister of Justice resigns following President Basescu’s pressures

Tudor Chiuariu says that he is the victim ‘of a ridiculous frame-up’ and that he will return to finish the Justice System reforms once the frame-up ends. Chiuariu will be criminally prosecuted for abuse of position.

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Tudor Chiuariu, the Minister of Justice, has announced yesterday that he will today file his resignation following Presidential pressures. The speech of the resigning Minister turned out to be a direct message for President Traian Basescu, the latter appealing twice in a single week for the dismissal of Chiuariu.
Basescu, endowed with discretionary powers that allow him to decide on the suspension of a Minister in case the Minister is the target of a criminal prosecution, warned on Saturday that Romania could end up in the demeaning situation of having the Minister of Justice prosecuted for abuse of position. If Chiuariu wouldn’t have resigned, he would most probably have been suspended by Basescu at the start of this week, with the President having received the prosecutors’ request to start the criminal prosecution against the Minister.

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