PD-L to table regular motion to abrogate car registration tax

The latest Government-proposed car registration tax is not to the liking of political parties anymore than the former was, and the Executive may be in for serious troubles in the Parliament. The Democrat-Liberals (PD-L) yesterday informed about their intention to initiate a regular motion in the Chamber of Deputies over the car registration charge whereby they will ask for it to be abrogated and for the already paid money to be refunded without the claimants having to go to court to get it back. The Government and the European Commission have recently come to an agreement on the car registration tax having applied a distinct version for a year, that had been considered as discriminating by the European Commission who gave the Bucharest authority an ultimatum to make amendments.

1 afișare
The Government has recently changed the criteria used to calculate the car registration tax now called an environment charge, but the new version is certainly not to the liking of political parties. In fact, under the new regime, owners of new cars will pay more than the owners of used cars. The system in place so far was that the older and more polluting the car was, the higher the tax was.

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