Cos Should Cut Staff Only Based On Clear Strategy - Consultants

The companies should not cut the training budgets or lay off employees during a crisis period without a clear strategy, and the objectives should be adjusted to the employees’ ones for a higher staff motivation, according to consultants.

15 afișări

"The major problem in the current period is that employees are laid off training budgets are cut, without anyone thinking of what is left in the company. It is necessary to exactly settle how to restructure and what are the targets during this period," Aura Cadis, managing consultant with Horvath& Parteners, said Tuesday during the seminar "Mediafax Talks about Business Solutions to Crisis."

In a crisis period, companies should start from a clear strategy that would enable them to settle employees’ efficiency indicators as well as to monitor their results.

On his turn, Hay Group Management general manager Harry Meintassis said that cutting the training budget is not a viable measure on long-term.

"There must be an agenda on training the employees according to current necessities. With a mature human resources department, a company could find solutions to restructuring, to help the employees, but this depends on leadership. We should not be best in cutting costs but in creating a trust capital, not only the financial one," Meintassis said.

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