Three former high-ranking officers sent to Court in miners’ uprising file

Prosecutors say ex-President Ion Iliescu purposely ordered the military intervention against the protesters from the University Sq. in June 1990.

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Three former high-ranking officers sent to Court in miners’ uprising file

The former Minister of Interior, Lieutenant General in reserve Mihai Chitac (photo), yesterday was referred to court in the case of the 1990 miners’ riot, by the Military Prosecutors’ Offices. The prosecutors determined the fact that Chitac together with General in reserve Gheorghe Andrita and colonel in reserve Dumitru Costea ordered the use of weapons with war ammunition and fire at the protesters, on the night of June 13, 1990. Two people were shot dead and other lives were put in danger. As those were army men, the offence has been classified as ‘improper participation in qualified murder and aggravated murder. Colonel in reserve Vasile Constantin – former 1st officer at the Parachutists Section of the Military Aviation Command was also referred to court ‘for improper participation in the commission of qualified murder and aggravated murder and improper participation in the commission of attempted qualified murder and attempted aggravated murder’. The colonel is charged with the same offences as his superiors, plus ‘cumulated offences’ set forth in article 33 letter b, the Criminal Code.

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