Moldovan News Agency BASA-press Closed Over Financial Crisis

The Republic of Moldova’s independent news agency BASA-press will shut down as of January 1, 2010 because of the financial crisis, agency managers told MEDIAFAX.


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Moldovan News Agency BASA-press Closed Over Financial Crisis

"The reason why BASA-press is halting activity is the financial crisis. In 2009, the agency lost many subscribers who discarded its news services to cut costs," BASA-press manager Sergiu Ipatii told MEDIAFAX.

Ipatii underscored the decision to shut down the news agency has nothing to do with the political climate in the country.

BASA-press, Moldova's first independent news agency founded in 1992 in Chisinau, currently has about 20 employees and nearly all have found jobs elsewhere, Ipatii said, adding he cannot say anything about when or if the agency is to resume its activity.

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