CSM Admits Candidacy Of Top Anticorruption Nominee For Magistrate Investigation Section

Romania’s top judicial watchdog CSM approved, on Friday, the candidacy of Constanta prosecutor Adina Florea for an office within the new magistrate investigation section. The prosecutor is also nominated for the lead office of the country’s top anticorruption agency.

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CSM Admits Candidacy Of Top Anticorruption Nominee For Magistrate Investigation Section

A commission comprised of CSM members approved Florea’s candidacy, together with three other, for the office of prosecutor, while one candidate was admitted as the section’s chief prosecutor.

.Alongside the Constanta prosecutor, magistrates Magdalena Olteanu, Codruta Chindea and Sorin Iasinovschi were also admitted for the offices of implementation prosecutor, while Florena Sterschi of Romania’s General Prosecutor’s Office was appointed chief-prosecutor of the newly-established section.


The prosecutor previously said that she will choose the office of chief prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) if she will be appointed, instead of working in the new section.

A different CSM committee, the Prosecutors’ Section, gave a negative review to Florea’s nomination for DNA chief prosecutor

The section will investigate allegations of offences made by magistrates related to their office, taking over the prerogative from DNA. It can function with up to fifteen prosecutors.

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